Admissions are on going for infants 6 weeks to 18months or ages 2 years to 5 years for our daycare and creche and ages 5 years to 11 years for Primary 1 to 6. To enroll at PineManor International, parents should contact the center Administrator on 07062476188 or info@pinemanorinternational.com and confirm availability for their child’s age group.
Once you have secured your child’s space, you will need to complete the required paperwork and provide the required medical information (Vaccination schemes where applicable). The center director will have more information about these policies and is happy to help if you have any questions.
Space is limited in all age groups, so please take the time to pre-register your child using this on-line form. Pre-registration is not a commitment to attend or a promise of acceptance.
Because enrollment is based on a first-come first-served basis, pre-registering will assist you in reserving a place for your child in his / her respective age group. Once your pre-registration has been submitted, you will be contacted regarding availability.
Once your pre-registration has been submitted, you will be contacted regarding availability. A * denotes Required Field